Fast Track

Questa pagina è di interesse per la sola laurea TRIENNALE.

Il Consiglio di Corso di Studio ha avviato nelle seduta del 9 gennaio 2019 una modalità di gestione semplificata di tirocini e lauree per la LT, denominata Fast Track.

E' destinata agli studenti che intendono privilegiare la snellezza di questa parte della loro formazione, dedicandole strettamente il tempo corrispondente al numero di CFU da acquisire. Ne è iniziata recentemente la sperimentazione con alcuni docenti e studenti.

Per usufruire di questa modalità, gli interessati leggano le istruzioni riportate più sotto.

Esaminino poi le opportunità proposte ai link riportati qui sotto e si rivolgano al docente di riferimento del tema prescelto.

Anche altri docenti hanno dato disponibilità a seguire questa procedura, ma non hanno indicato per ora liste specifiche di opportunità:


For whom

Students of the LT who want to earn the CFUs related to the internship and to the final project may choose the fast track option.


The student selects a Supervisor (a professor of the CdS) and selects or receives a scientific article. The student produces a textual document (Summary) and a deck of slides (Presentation Slides); then s/he delivers a Presentation using the slides.

The Summary is a pdf document that must not exceed 1500 words, plus references and possibly figures.

The Presentation Slides must be at most 10. The duration of the Presentation must not exceed 10 minutes. Presentation sessions are organized in predefined dates; talks within a session are fast-paced.

Summary, Presentation Slides and Presentation must be all in the same language, either Italian or English. If in Italian, the student will earn 3 "F" CFUs (tirocinio), plus 3 "E" CFUs (prova finale) after the presentation. If in English, the student will also earn additional  3 "F" CFUs; according to the curriculum selected by the student, such CFUs may exceed the amount of 180 required for the degree and will be recorded in the final certificate as "soprannumerari", or may be spent to complete the number of "F" CFUs required. 

How to

As soon as they begin their work, students should send the standard email ("paperless") according to the "PROCEDURA PER IL TIROCINIO ALL'INTERNO DELL'ATENEO" on the DIA Web site:

Summary and Slides should be the outcome of the autonomous work of the student. However, the supervisor is available for periodical group meetings with students active in the Fast Track process. These meetings are devoted to the topics the students are dealing with, under a technical/scientific and methodological viewpoint. No preliminary evaluation is provided for the documents the student is preparing. Meetings last approximately one hour, and normally have a weekly cadence. Students who want to participate should inform the supervisor a few days in advance.

The Summary has to be delivered to the supervisor for the official evaluation not later than 20 days before the talk session date chosen by the student. Exact deadlines are provided for each graduation session. The Slides do not have to be delivered at this stage: these are evaluated as part of the Presentation (see below). The logistics of the Presentation is described in page "Prelaurea".



The Summary must be titled "Summary of" or "Extended Summary of", followed by the title of the paper (quoted). The introduction must contain a full bibliographic reference of the paper.

The Summary has to provide a brief view about the topic of the proposed scholarly articles based on the critic reading of those articles and possibly on other related articles which the student collects autonomously.

In detail, the Summary has to give information about:

For points 2–5, if differences stand among the proposed scholarly articles, they have to be highlighted.


The first slide of the Presentation must contain the title of the Summary and, in smaller font, a full bibliographic reference of the paper.

The Presentation should deliver the same information as the Summary. It has to be adapted according to the following criteria:


The Summary will be evaluated by the supervisor; the Talk will be evaluated by a board of professors, including the supervisor, who are familiar with the proposed scholarly articles topic.

Both evaluations will be based on the following criteria:


Writing article summaries

Cosa NON è una fast track

Come si prepara una presentazione (bottom of this page)